I am thankful for the low coding load this week. The Hawarway and Stiegler essays took enough mental energy to get through, but was something I actually enjoyed. I still have to dedicate some quality time to coding this week, and was glad to get some encouragement and advice from people during open lab last week. I am realizing certain tendencies I have working with computers and technology in general that set them apart from how I tackle theory and difficult text. Although I am much better at dedicating time to closely read theory, I find myself falling in tangents that lead me to hunt down other theories relating to the text at hand. While this can be a good thing, I get impatient and disappointed by the sheer amount of theory and philosophy I have yet to explore. Coding is a different matter. I recognize now that I could make my practices more efficient, I am much better at taking baby steps and enjoying the process for what it is. My main object of frustration presently is GitHub. I understand the concept but keep failing at execution. I somehow have duplicate copies the ENG7006/master as well as the ENG7006/gh-pages, and believe that this is preventing me from updating from the class repositories. As a result my blogs do not appear on the RSS feed. I am sure that this is my own doing and can’t seem to debug this myself. On a happier note, GitHub sent me an offer with a discounted student package full of coding and publishing utilities. All I had to do was to let them know how the software could help me. They have included a lot of stuff I do not know how to use, but have a year’s worth of access to learn them!